
Chair for German Politics/Policy Analysis

Institute of Political Science
Scharnhorststraße 100
48151 Muenster, D




Dr. Susanne Hildebrandt

Research fellow


R 221
Tel.: +49(0)251/83-29942
E-Mail: susanne DOT hildebrandt AT uni-muenster DOT de


Office hour :

Monday 2-3 p.m.

Education :


Ph. D. degree in political science on “ Integration into the world market and legitimacy of the political system in Mexico . Case study in a rural municipio: Sayula/Jalisco, 1982-98 ” at the Free University of Berlin/Prof. Dr. Elmar Altvater


Master of Art degree (M.A.)



Studies of Political science and economics at Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg/Germany



Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant of the European Commission, DG Research


Postdoctoral Marie Curie Intraeuropean Fellowship of the European Commission, DG Research


Postgraduate fellowship of the German trade union foundation Hans-Böckler-Stiftung


2007- 2009

Marie Curie Fellow with a European Reintegration Grant (ERG) at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster/Germany with a project on “Work harder and have more babies? A political-economic analysis of the care economy: old-age provision” and working as a lecturer with teaching obligations


Feasibility study for Research on Women in the Transport sector on behalf of the European Trade Union Institute and the European Transport Workers' Federation

2003- 2005

Marie Curie Fellow with an Inter-European Fellowship (EIF) at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels with a project on “ Globalization, European economic integration and the impact on national welfare states, labor markets and gender. A comparative analysis of two major welfare problems in France and Germany : employment and old age pensions”



Final version of the research report on: “ Trade unions facing the challenge: Globalization and transformation of the welfare state. A comparative analysis based on common problems in France and Germany , 1980-2000”


Post-doctoral Traineeship at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels/Belgium financed by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation and the ETUI ; Preparation of a research report on French and German trade union's responses to globalisation.

1996- 2000

Work on Ph D thesis in political science including 2 1/2 years fieldwork researches stay (1996-8) in Mexico, Hans-Böckler fellowship


Guest researcher at the Washington-based NGO Development Group of Alternative Politics . This research stay was financed with funds of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation


Guest researcher at the University of Guadalajara, Centro de Estudios Ibericos y Latinoamericanos (CEILA) in Mexico


Fieldwork research stay in the valley of the Narmada/India as an international observer commissioned by the International Human Rights Panel on the Narmada . Together with a team including a photographer we visited resettlement villages and interviewed the affected persons. A report of the fieldwork was submitted to the International Narmada Action Committee


Guest researcher at the Mexico-based institute Centro Interuniversitario para la Integración Americana (CIPIA)


Official and Researcher employed by the European Association against Violence against Women at the workplace (AVFT) in Paris involving the following tasks: financial administration; fund raising at the French ministries (labour/women rights) and the European Commission/DG V; tutoring of student trainees; supervision of volunteer activists; training-on-the-job for new staff members; public relations (contacts with media, trade unions, feminist organisations); organisation of training seminars on women rights and sexual violence for target groups (police officers, teachers); research on the project «Action Pilote Vaucluse»: after having contributed to the formulation of a new law on sexual harassment at the working place in 1992, the AVFT began to actively monitor its implementation in the context of a pilot project in Avignon/Vaucluse; research, fieldwork and elaboration of two country reports as part of the research report «Sexual harassment and gender discrimination at the working place» on behalf of the European Commission/DG V


4-month fieldwork researches stay in Buenos Aires/Argentina in preparation of a master's degree on “ Political parties in Argentina : the Peronist party (PJ) and the Radical Party (UCR), 1972-76 and 1983-88 ”

Working Experience :


Lecturer at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster with teaching obligations; tutoring of students and Ph D candidates, including German and French candidates of the bi-national curriculum of the Münster-Lille cooperation in political science; management and supervision of a student research assistant


Organisation of an international conference on the Future of European Welfare States in order to prepare a new research agenda and establish a network among the invited researchers of 27 EU-member states,


Collaboration for Translation of two books (English-German): 1) Goldsmith, Sir James, The trap , 1993, 180 pp.; 2) Goldsmith, Edward, The Way. An ecological world-view , 1993, 442 pp


Volunteer activist in the French « Narmada campaign » as part of an international campaign launched by the International Narmada Action Committee , a consortium of ecological, human rights and development NGOs echoing the resistance of affected local people by the World-Bank-financed dam project in the valley of the Narmada/India. On the initiative of FIAN-France a national consortium of about 30 NGOs named « Collectif Narmada » was created in order to carry out the campaign work


Volunteer activist at Interdépendances , a monthly journal of the oecomenic organisation CIMADE (Service œcuménique d'entraide) in Paris involving the following tasks: weekly staff meetings, research and preparation of information for articles, international contacts with the protestant charity organisation Brot für die Welt /Germany, participation in the interdepartmental commission on drugs of the French government


Volunteer activist at FIAN- Germany/Heidelberg local group on the «Flower campaign» The NGO Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) is an international organisation with 12 national sections and about 4000 individual members worldwide which advocates for the human right to feed oneself. The national «Flower campaign» was launched in order to create awareness among the German public about the working and living conditions of workers in flower producing countries ( Columbia , Kenya ) and to provoke a public debate


Volunteer journalist at the Heidelberg feminist journal «Abschminke» involving all tasks necessary for the production, publication and sale of the journal: weekly staff meetings, interviews and research, writing of articles, Lay-out, all material organisation (assemble of the printed sheets, assure the availability of the journal in all local bookshops, fund raising, financial administration, acquisition of advertising), promotion of the journal in public meetings and street sale.


Student research assistant of professor Dieter Nohlen/Political science department involving a variety of tasks such as: tutoring of younger students and supervision of their dissertations, Spanish-German translations, revision of publications, reception and counselling of foreign guest researchers, material organisation and conceptual preparation of weekend seminars, literature search, reorganisation and administration of a documentation centre on developing countries and Latin America.

Publications (selection):

2008, The Future of European Welfare Systems – Research Perspectives, 27 p., discussion paper,

2006, Women in the Transport sector, feasibility study report, 8 p.

2005, Wenn Mütter erwerbstätig und Arbeitnehmer Väter werden, p. 93-96, in: FAM Frauenakademie München (Hrsg.) „Schöner wirtschaften - Europa geschlechtergerecht gestalten!“, proceedings of the conference held on October 29-30, 2004 in Munich

2004, Globalisierung und Umbau des Sozialstaats. Die Rolle der Gewerkschaften bei den Rentenreformen in Deutschland und Frankreich, unpublished manuscript, 100 p

2004, On methodology: The global method and the waterfall model, unpublished manuscript, April, 13 p

2004, Motherhood at work: a critique of Gosta Esping-Andersens „Why we need a new welfare state“in : TRANSFER 1/2004, p.131-144.

2004, Für einen neuen Geschlechtervertrag. Zur (Un-)Vereinbarkeit von Familienleben und Berufstätigkeit , p. 75-97, in: Herzog, Margarethe (2004)(Hrsg.) Gender Mainstreaming. Dokumentation der zehnten Wissenschaftlerinnen-Werkstatt der Promovendinnen der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung vom 11.-14. September 2003 in Weimar

2003, Weltmarktintegration und Legitimität des politischen Systems in Mexiko. Eine Fallstudie im ländlichen Raum: das Municipio Sayula/Jalisco, 1982-98, p.161-167, in: Ostermann, Ingrid (2003)(Hrsg.): Perspektive: GLOBAL! Inter-nationale Wissenschaftlerinnenkooperationen und Forschung. Dokumentation der achten Wissenschaftlerinnen-Werkstatt der Promovendinnen der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung vom 9.-12.9. 2001, Düsseldorf, März.

2003, Kritische Lektüre oder Replik zu dem Artikel von Sigrid Leitner/Ilona Ostner, Frauen und Globalisierung. Vernachlässigte Seiten der neuen Arbeitsteilung (Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 48/2000, S. 39-46), in: Ostermann, Ingrid (2003)(Hrsg.): Perspektive: GLOBAL! Inter-nationale Wissenschaftlerinnenkooperationen und Forschung. Dokumentation der achten Wissenschaftlerinnen-Werkstatt der Promovendinnen der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung vom 9.-12.9. 2001, Düsseldorf

2003, Retraites: L'anti-modèle allemand, unpublished manuscript, Jan., 12 p

2002, Gewerkschaften vor der Herausforderung: Globalisierung und Umbau des Sozialstaats. Ein problemorientierter Vergleich in Deutschland und Frankreich, 1980-2000, 115 pp. ,

2002, Deutschland – für Frauen ein Entwicklungsland , p.53-55 in: Mitbestimmung 7/02 (magazine of the Hans-Böckler Foundation).

2002, Die Privatisierung des mexikanischen Ejido , p.149-173, in: PROKLA 126.

2001, Weltmarktintegration und Legitimität des politischen Systems in Mexiko. Eine Fallstudie im ländlichen Raum : Das Municipio Sayula/Jalisco, 1982-98 , Inauguraldissertation am Fachbereich Politik-und Sozialwissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin,



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